Tune® helps Informa Markets reduce their carbon footprint while saving 15% to 18% in energy* and delivering a return on investment of fewer than 14 months.*
In 2020, Informa Markets engaged Tune® to support its goal of being carbon neutral by 2025. A United Kingdom-based company, Informa has a $12 billion market cap and is a member of the FOTSE 100. Each year, Informa hosts up to 500 trade shows and conventions, from art and beauty shows to the largest boat show in the world. While many of their exhibit halls will boast up to 10,0000 LED lights, it’s the Boat and Yachting shows that present the most significant opportunity for saving energy.
“By reducing heat in our system, saving energy, and saving equipment, Tune® is helping us champion sustainability in our business” “...the people at Tune® go out of their way to help us.”
Ken McAvoy, President, Informa Markets
South Florida, Ventures Division
Boating and Yachting Events
Informa hosts the largest Boating and Yachting events in North America. At these shows, they deliver the temporary power†required by their exhibitors. A significant percentage of these exhibitors draw more power than a 10,000 square foot home. These shows use so much energy that Informa has its own in-house electrical department manage the electrical need. After installing Tune®and evaluating the results, this team not only determined that Tune®has generated significant energy savings, but it was also delivering ‘clean’ power to exhibitors.*
*Source: Ken McAvoy, Informa Markets
†Most of the power used at boating and yachting shows is 480V 3 phase