During a typical year, the Starnes attend the All American Quarter Horse Congress the entire month of October. When the 2020 show was canceled, the Starnes had time to evaluate the savings from their July 2020 Tune®installations in their home and horse training facilities.
“Like all equine operations, we are always looking for ways to save money!... We encourage you to check out Tune®.”
Kristy Starnes, Starnes Quarter Horses
What did the Starnes discover?
1. Previous energy savings efforts delivered minimal results.
“Our electricity bills always seem to be going up... installing LED lights, turning off and unplugging items not in use, setting lights to timers... we have done it all and seen minimal savings... until now!” – Kristy Starnes
2. Tune® delivered an average monthly savings of 20%.
3. Tune® quickly put money back in the Starnes’ pockets.
“Our typical power bill has always been over $1000 a month, sometimes over $1400. For the first time EVER, it is down to under $850!” – Kristy Starnes