Tune®minimizes peak demand charges at RPM Pizza. Reducing the Tune®investment payback period from 20 to 12 months.
In May 2020, RPM Pizza was finalizing its decision to roll out Tune®to almost 200 of its Domino's stores. To help with their decision, they installed web-enabled data collection meters from Honeywell in several stores.
Real-time data was sent to Honeywell’s Enacto offices in the Netherlands for analysis, and the results were astounding. Energy spikes that were common before Tune®installation in mid-October were all but eliminated.
The energy spikes above, represent when RPM Pizza exceeded its peak demand agreement with its power company, resulting in inflated KWH charges. The reduction in peak demand charges alone meant significant savings for RPM Pizza, who promptly installed Tune®in all its locations.
Independent Customer Evaluations of Tune®
RPM Pizza commissioned the Honeywell study without our knowledge. At Tune,®we don’t shy away from our customers testing our technology. We encourage it.