Tune® reduced kilowatt-hours by an average of 6.2%, while control store consumption increased by 3.5%, delivering a 9.7% savings delta.
Today, quick-serve restaurants are built to provide similar energy consumption across all locations. For a company like Krystal, with a more than 30-year history, stores vary in age and construction. Consequently, two installation stores and one control store were selected to evaluate our performance. On October 23, 2012, one Tune®device was installed at each of Krystal’s Roswell and Norcross, Georgia stores. Krystal’s store in Marietta, Georgia, was selected as the control for its proximity and similarity to the installation stores. Each store operated 19 to 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Noesis performed a third-party analysis of the installation. Following is a summary of their report.*
*Full Noesis report available on request.